Saturday, March 17, 2007

Oh, it's been a while, I know. I've been busy preparing for a interview with a Hong Kong based Airline. The interview is rather tough so there has been much studying and learning for it. The interview was this week, so I now feel like I've got some free time to do other things, one of which is blogging.

This week has also been ground school. Every year we do recurrent training to refresh our memories about the airplane. It is actually quite a long list of what is required every year to keep our jobs. A four day recurrent training class, two visits to the sim (two days each), a check in the airplane by a check airman and two visits to the doctor. Fail any one of them and that's that.

Ground school isn't the hardest of the classes - much of it is boring repetition and videos about stuff we see every year. Still - procedures and policies change often and while we get memos and notices about them, it is nice to have the instructor hit the highlights and mentioned important items.


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